Associate Provost for Academic Programs | 618-453-7653

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Dunston-Associate-Provost.jpgDr. Julie K. Dunston, Associate Provost for Academic Programs, has primary administrative responsibility for development and coordination of academic and curricular matters on the Southern Illinois University campus. This position is essential to ensuring that the Office of the Provost and Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs is responsive to the need of our students, faculty, colleges and schools regarding all academic and student matters.

  • Oversight and management of curricular matters including New Units of Instruction (NUI), Reasonable and Moderate Extensions (RME), and requests for new course fees (Form 100)
  • Oversight of program reviews and accreditations
  • Liaison to Faculty Senate and Graduate Council on program changes
  • Oversee student academic appeals
  • Collaborate with SIU Vice President for Academic Innovation, Planning, and Partnership on BOT and IBHE reports
  • Oversees preparation and submission of state legislative reports
  • Chairs the undergraduate teaching and curricular committee, which coordinates the University’s excellence in teaching awards

Dr. Julie Dunston came to SIU Carbondale in 1995 as an assistant professor in the Department of Technology. She received her Bachelor of Science degree in Industrial Engineering from the University of Iowa in 1991 and Master of Science in Industrial Engineering from the University of Iowa in 1993. She received her doctorate in Mechanical Engineering from Florida State University in December 1995. She became associate professor in 2001, chair of the Department of Technology in 2016, and director of the School of Applied Engineering & Technology in 2017. She also oversees distance education programs as director of the Technology Off-Campus Degree Programs (TOCDP). She has taught undergraduate courses at off-campus locations and develops/teaches online courses at the graduate level. She served as the Interim Executive Director of SIU Extended Campus from February 2020 to June 2022. She started as the Interim Associate Provost for Academic Programs on September 1, 2023.