Program Resources | 618-453-7653

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The following documents are essential for the review of programs:

General Timeline

  • Assessment Plan-Every four years (Due Oct. 15)
  • Assessment Report – Annual (Due Oct. 15)
  • Submission of Self-Study and Program Review- Every eight years (due Aug. 15)

The department chair or school director of the program is responsible for submitting the self study to the Office of the Associate Provost for Academic Programs (APAP), the College Dean, and the reviewers.

The Office of the Associate Provost for Academic Programs will contact programs to request nominations of external and internal reviewers prior to the program review. According to the State Officials and Employees Ethics Act (5 ILCS 430/), units must avoid nominating reviewers with potential bias or conflicts of interest with the program or its faculty.  Current or former collaborators, colleagues, mentors, and students, faculty and staff of unit are inappropriate, as are past reviewers of the unit.  If you have any questions about possible conflicts of interest, contact the APAP (453-7653).

At a minimum, all reviewers should have a copy of the Self Study report a month prior to the on-site review.

Chairs and School Directors should contact the Office of the Associate Provost for Academic Programs to schedule and coordinate the review.